#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
int main() {
// Rather than produce a whole new project for each exercise, we put
// all the solutions together in one file
// Exercise1
cout << "Exercise 1\n";
cout << (true || false) << "\n";
cout << ((true && false) || true) << "\n";
cout << (true && (false || true)) << "\n";
cout << ((true && false) || true) << "\n"; // we had to put in brackets to prevent compiler warnings
cout << (3 * 5 == 15 && (7 * 8 == 21 || true != false)) << "\n";
// Exercise2
cout << "Exercise 2\n";
cout << "int\t" << sizeof(int) << "\n";
cout << "short int\t" << sizeof(short int) << "\n";
cout << "long int\t" << sizeof(long int) << "\n";
cout << "long long\t" << sizeof(long long) << "\n";
cout << "unsigned int\t" << sizeof(unsigned int) << "\n";
cout << "unsigned short int\t" << sizeof(unsigned short int) << "\n";
cout << "unsigned long int\t" << sizeof(unsigned long int) << "\n";
cout << "unsigned long long\t" << sizeof(unsigned long long) << "\n";
// Exercise3
cout << "Exercise 3\n";
cout << 'A' << '\t' << ((int)'A') << '\n';
cout << 'Z' << '\t' << ((int)'Z') << '\n';
cout << 'a' << '\t' << ((int)'a') << '\n';
cout << 'z' << '\t' << ((int)'z') << '\n';
cout << "Carriage return" << '\t' << ((int)'\r') << '\n';
cout << "New line" << '\t' << ((int)'\n') << '\n';
cout << "Tab" << '\t' << ((int)'\t') << '\n';
// Exercise4
cout << "Exercise 4\n";
unsigned int x = 3;
unsigned int y = 5;
cout << (x - y) << "\n";
// In binary 3 is given by 0000...00000011
// 5 is given by 0000...00000101
// Subtracting 3 from five gives -2
// 1000...00000010
// Which is a very large unsigned int
// Exercise5
cout << "Exercise 5\n";
cout << "Please type a character:\n";
char c;
cin >> c;
int charCode = (int)c;
if (charCode >= 'a' && charCode <= 'z') {
charCode = charCode - 'a' + 'A';
char ucase = (char)charCode;
cout << "\nIn upper case that character is ";
cout << ucase << "\n";
return 0;