Introduction to Bloomberg Terminals


To make the most of the Bloomberg Terminals, you will want to use them to try out your own ideas. Over the next three weeks, you should create your own mini-project using Bloomberg data and give a ten minute presentation on your findings. Work in teams of three to do this, so you can share the workload and exchange ideas.

It is up to you what you do in your project. You should make sure that it fits your interests and that it isn't too ambitious for the time that you have available. A good way to decide what to do is to ask what you would like to do for a career: now come up with a project that will be good to talk about at a job interview. For example, if you want to work as a risk manager perhaps a project where you compute historic value at risk would be a good idea.

To help you get started, I've come up with some possible projects. I've also written up some hints for how to complete the projects. Hopefully you will be able to think of some more interesting ideas though!

You will want to perform your own data analysis, so you may want to use Excel, MATLAB or R to do this. If you are using Excel, here are some tips. If you are using MATLAB, here are some tips.