Introduction to Bloomberg Terminals

Bloomberg terminals provide access to an incredible wealth of financial data and have the power to perform some very sophisticated analyses on that data. One of the unique features of a Financial Mathematics MSc at King's is that you have access to all of this in our Finance and Tranding Lab. By learning to use the Bloomberg Terminals you will: gain a "hands on" feel for how financial markets operate; learn how to use real data in mathematical research and in the development of
investment strategies; develop technology skills that are highly valued by employers.

The course covers

Course Materials

Lesson 1 - Getting Started (Allow 30 mins)

Lesson 2 - A trading game (Allow 90 mins)

Lesson 3 - Using Excel with Bloomberg (Allow 60 mins)

Quiz - Self test for lessons 1 to 3 (Allow 10 mins)

Lesson 4 - The Scaling of Stock Prices (Allow 60 mins)

After completing these lessons, I'd encourage you to use the terminals to answer your own questions about the markets. For example, if you are doing a course on derivatives prices you might want to see how the prices quoted by Bloomberg for options compare with the theory you have learned in your course.

Work In Progress

I hope to extend this course with a few more lessons. The links below contain a few outline materials that I've used in face-to-face versions of this course.
