#pragma once
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "RealFunction.h"
/* Create a linearly spaced vector */
std::vector<double> linspace( double from, double to, int numPoints );
/* Compute the sum of a vector */
double sum( const std::vector<double>& v );
/* Compute the mean of a vector */
double mean( const std::vector<double>& v );
/* Compute the standard deviation of a vector */
double standardDeviation( const std::vector<double>& v, bool population=0 );
/* Find the minimum of a vector */
double min( const std::vector<double>& v );
/* Find the maximum of a vector */
double max( const std::vector<double>& v );
/* Find the given percentile of a vector */
double prctile( const std::vector<double>& v, double percentage );
/* Sort a vector */
std::vector<double> sort( const std::vector<double>& v );
/* Create uniformly distributed random numbers */
std::vector<double> randuniform( int n );
/* Create normally distributed random numbers */
std::vector<double> randn( int n );
/* Seeds the default random number generator */
void rng( const std::string& setting );
* Computes the cumulative
* distribution function of the
* normal distribution
double normcdf( double x );
/* Computes the inverse of normcdf */
double norminv( double x );
/* Create a line chart */
void plot( const std::string& fileName,
const std::vector<double>& x,
const std::vector<double>& y);
/* Plot a histogram */
void hist( const std::string& fileName,
const std::vector<double>& values,
int numBuckets=10);
/* Integrate using the rectangle rule */
double integral( RealFunction& f,
double a,
double b,
int nSteps );
/* Integrate f from x to infinity using a substitution
followed by the rectangle rule */
double integralToInfinity(RealFunction& f,
double x,
int nSteps);
/* Integrate f over the whole of R
by two applications of integral to Infinity */
double integralOverR(RealFunction& f,
int nSteps);
* Test function
void testMatlib();